• 1.Where can I find my timetable?
    To go to your timetable, use the following path:

    The Information System (Calendar) My timetable

    To display other timetables, use the following path:

    The Information System Timetable Other timetables and reservations

    1 Timetables.

  • 2.The page shows an old timetable. What am I supposed to do?
    Please ensure that the top of the page lists the right term, i.e. the one for which you want the timetable to be displayed. If this is not the case, select the right one.

    1 Select another term.

  • 3.The timetable does not list some of my courses. What is the problem?
    Provided you have already enrolled in some courses, it is only these that are listed in the timetable. The courses you have only registered for are not included. If you want the timetable to list the courses you have registered for as well, check the option “including courses from nonactive and completed studies”.

    1 Tis includes the courses you have only registered for.

  • 4.Is there any way I can print my timetable?
    Yes, there is. To print your timetable, select timetable, click on “Display options” and “Output for printing”. Choose the appropriate output format:

    1 Print options.

  • 5.How shall I proceed to have a timetable for a certain period displayed?
    Provided you are a student, you can have your timetable for the current week displayed by clicking on “current week” in my timetable.

    If you need to view the intesive course, then in the schedule select "Display Options" where you will see the "Intensive course" dialog:

    The Information System (Calendar) My timetable Display options Intensive course

    The timetable application also allows you to select any other week or specify any other period for which you want to have your timetable displayed.

    1 Intensive course section.

    2 Displays timetable of the specified week.

    3 displays timetable of the specified period.

  • 6.How do I find courses that suit my timetable?
    Use the application Search Timetable; the link can be found under the displayed timetable in the Settings section.

    [1] click if you wish to search courses in the schedule
    [2] enter the application (without any preset data)

    If you wish to look up courses for an empty time slot in your timetable, select the option “include the option of searching for suitable courses.” An icon appears in the available time slots in the displayed timetable (as long as the time period is longer than 45 minutes). Clicking the icon takes you to a search application wish preset data.

    Timetable search can be limited by various criteria, e.g. only courses directly associated with a selected field of study, courses without seminar groups, or type of course completion.

    1 Searching the timetable.

    The displayed list of courses includes the link to register the chosen course or information regarding the pass/fail prerequisites.

  • 7.What is the purpose of seminar groups?
    The existence of seminar groups allows you to select the times at which you want to attend the classes of the course. However, some courses do not offer this option.
  • 8.How can I enroll in a seminar group?
    You can select a seminar group to enroll in using the following path:

    The Information System Student Start of term Select seminar groups

    1 Check to select a seminar group.

    2 The seminar groups marked red cannot be registered for.

    The importance of colors in seminars:

    • Green – login is possible. The word "collision" means a collision with your schedule.
    • Blue – you are logged in.
    • Deep red – cannot log in. The reason may be failure to meet the conditions for enrollment in the seminar group or for enrollment of the course itself (for more details on evaluation of the prerequisites click here).
    • Light red – you could sign in, but you are already logged in elsewhere. Use the "sign here" to sign out of the blue group here.

    No system collision detection occurs when the system loads.

    Selecting a seminar group can make it easier to display the selected group in the timetable using the "Display timetable" link (if a timeable is specified for the group).

    1 Display timetable of the seminar group.

    The registered courses are displayed in yellow in the timetable, the courses or groups you are displaying in addition are displayed in light blue and the enrolled / registered courses / groups are displayed in white. Seminars displayed in the timetable have a colored triangle in the right corner, which indicates whether you are allowed to join the seminar or not (you can get help by hovering over the triangle). Clicking on the triangle will take you to the list of seminar groups where you can perform the desired action. You can also view seminar groups directly in the timetable in the "Display options" section by checking the "include all the seminar groups of the courses displayed" option. This option can be further restricted to those courses where you are not enrolled in any seminar group.

    1 This option adds all seminar groups of the subject to the schedule.

    2 This option displays all seminars of the course where you are not subscribed to any group.

  • 9.What shall I do to succeed in the group hunt? What is the quickest way of enrolling in a group?
    In some courses, students scramble for vacancies in the seminar groups, which leads to group hunts (usually starting at 17:00).

    To quickly enroll in seminar groups, please proceed as follows:

    • After clicking on “Select a seminar group”, make sure the top of the page lists the right term (e.g. Autumn 2018).
    • Click on the name of the course whose seminar group you want to enroll in. This takes you to the page listing all the seminar groups created under the course.
    • Provided you perform the aforementioned operation before 17:00, i.e. prior to the start of the period during which it is possible to enroll in the groups, all of these are still marked red.
    • At this stage, you are unable to enroll in any group. Nevertheless, each group contains the attempt to enroll reference that you can use any time before the start of and during the enrollment period. Clicking on the reference opens a new window and, provided the operation is performed after 17:00, you get enrolled in the group. However, the enrollment fails if the enrollment period has not started yet. In such a situation, though, you can keep reloading the newly opened page (using the Refresh button of your browser) until you succeed. You can even practice this operation right away or any other time prior to the start. It is also advisable to open several windows listing seminar groups of different courses and, switching between the windows and reloading them, continue trying to enroll in their seminar groups.
    • Please remember to get ready for the hunt (prepare the windows) in advance since the workload of the System might increase dramatically at 17:00 preventing you from doing so in time.


    Please do not use any programs refreshing the page contents automatically. The Information System will disconnect those users who overload it some other way than by clicking on its references.

    If you want to check your ranking in the time contest, you can use the Course and Seminar Group Registration Position.

  • 10.How do I find out the current time in IS NEWTON?
    To find out what the current IS time is, please click on Current date and time (situated at the bottom of the main IS page). This reference will take you to the page displaying the current central time of the IS database. To update the displayed time, click on the Refresh/Reload button of your browser.

    Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that the page will always display the right time. That is, if it takes the page longer than one second to load, please do not consider the time displayed current.

    The times other than the one displayed at the top of the page (if present due to the skin you have selected) should not be considered accurate since they may differ from the central time of the IS database, i.e. the one used by the registration application.

    Provided you wish to synchronize your computer with the Information System, please use the NTP protocol and NTP server of the Faculty of Informatics, which is utilized for setting the IS time.
    It is always only the central time of the IS database that you should rely on in course hunts.

  • 11.I am not able to enroll in a seminar group. What is the problem?
    You might not be able to enroll in the seminar group due to one (or more) of the following:
    • The period during which it is possible to enroll in seminar groups has not started yet. Although this period is usually the same for all the courses offered by the faculty, sometimes there might be some discrepancies in this respect (see the group-related information). To find out when the period starts, please consult the Term Calendar.
    • You have not enrolled in the course yet, i.e. your registration record is red.
    • The seminar group you want to enroll in is full, i.e. there are no longer any vacancies in it.

Provided you have failed to find the information you were searching for, you can contact us at newtonis(zavináč/atsign)fi(tečka/dot)muni(tečka/dot)cz.